Author: VegettoEX

  • Cropping Complaints (Sorta) Justified Three Years Later

    I almost feel like it is not even worth bringing this up. I mean, honestly… the FUNimation cropping fiasco of 2007 is three years old. Not only is it old, but it is irrelevant with the release of domestic Dragon Box sets. This just makes me smirk a little too much, though. When Mike smirks,…

  • Five iPhone Games Worth Paying For

    I have written in the past about how Apple can be pompous with their public image surrounding games. I have also written in the past about the “bottomed-out” level of pricing for iPhone games, and how game developers (specifically the big-name, established ones) have struggled to adapt to and create for a platform where just…

  • Seven Things That Have Blown Me Away In The First 10 Hours Of “Chrono Trigger”

    Longtime Akira Toriyama fan. Playing Chrono Trigger fifteen years late. Check. In theory, I like Japanese role-playing games, but ultimately do not finish the vast majority of ones that I actually start. Gotcha. All caught up? Let’s talk about the game, now! The following discussion will be filed under “Video Game Club” and placed behind…

  • Individual Contributions to DBZ Fandom

    It is always fascinating when we are able to track down the actual first-time uses of certain words or phrases in DBZ fandom. Some of the things we take for granted and simply accept as commonplace were actually created by fans either for simplicity’s sake, out of ignorance, or even sometimes out of honest mis-translation.…

  • What Makes A Good Blog Entry?

    I ask this question both of myself (to try and answer in an actual blog post… how fascinating!), and also of you all, dear readers. What does make a blog entry “good”…? One thing to keep in mind is that I am not talking about a “blog” from a personal standpoint. This is work-work related…

  • Podcast Episode Coming – Your Thoughts Are Requested!

    I certainly do not claim to be a podcasting expert by any stretch of the imagination. Even after doing this for a bit over four years now, I still run into random tech problems and sound quality issues that I can not always perfectly troubleshoot, though I do the best I can. The spontaneously-combusting XLR…

  • It’s True! I Started “Chrono Trigger”

    Alert the presses! Headline of the year, right here: “Toriyama Fanboy Plays Acclaimed Game 15 Years Late“. Despite running a DragonBall fansite since 1998 (and being a fan of the series for a few years before that), I have many embarrassing stories to tell. While I have read a good chunk of Dr. Slump and…

  • Holiday Gifts: 2009’s Games For 2010

    Andrew may have had a chance to play more of 2009’s games than I did, and certainly has a pretty good idea of what his favorites games of last year were. I’m in no such position. There were far too many 2009 games that I just did not get a chance to play, but am…

  • My First Click-Fest: Torchlight

    I have never really been a big PC gamer. Other than some SimCity 2000 and Castles II: Siege and Conquest back in the Mac OS 7 days and a little bit of the first Sims, I have been almost exclusively a console-based gamer (including portable systems) my whole life. I suppose the only “reason” was…

  • A Very Zelda Christmas Memory

    It was Christmas 1998. I was a junior in high school. While I had a semi-part-time job, I was not raking in much of my own cash and could not purchase every single game I wanted. That’s OK, though. Ocarina of Time would have only been out for a month, so I could wait until…