Author: VegettoEX

  • Reviving the Ol’ Personal Blog

    Reviving the Ol’ Personal Blog

    Is this blog alive again? Who can really say? Truth be told, I let it get so out of date that it got infected, so I had to just trash the whole install and start fresh. In the process, I was backing up a few things, dug up a few other things, and remembered that…

  • Podcast Guest Appearances: 2021 Catch-Up Edition

    Podcast Guest Appearances: 2021 Catch-Up Edition

    It is I, killer of podcasts. It seems that when I show up on someone else’s podcast, there’s a significant chance that podcast will end soon after. I wonder if that’s why people stopped asking me to come on their shows? It can’t be that I’m a terrible and unlikable guest, right? Welp, as I…

  • Amateur Podcast Production Tips, Tricks, and Techniques

    Amateur Podcast Production Tips, Tricks, and Techniques

    So You Want to Improve Your Podcast? When I started my podcast back in 2005, I had absolutely no idea what I was doing; some (myself included!) would argue that I still have no idea what I am doing. I have no audio engineering training, I continue to use incredibly basic software, and I only…

  • Podcast Guest Appearances: Early 2015

    Podcast Guest Appearances: Early 2015

    Blog clean-up in progress. Looking for something to post. Guest podcast appearances! That’s a thing! Back in March, I helped our buddy Chris/Kirbopher kick off a multi-episode series on his “Kirblog” show all about Dragon Ball. He specifically asked me to come on to talk about the “early days” of fandom, but we ended up…

  • Final Fantasy XIV #EorzeaIRL Runner-Up

    Final Fantasy XIV #EorzeaIRL Runner-Up

    Dragon Ball. Final Fantasy XIV. Can’t do anything else. This is my life, and it’s ending one duty roulette at a time. So Square-Enix and the FF14 team started up a contest called #EorzeaIRL. The basic idea was to take a photo of something “in real life” that looked like or reminded you of a…

  • Consolidating Old Websites

    Consolidating Old Websites

    Whoops, better not let two years go by without posting something on a personal site that no-one actually views. (Well, that’s not true. My “WHAT IS A CANNON” and Bardock posts actually still get lots of traffic.) Anyway, I’m just consolidating things over here. There’s no “front page” anymore on and will soon just resolve…

  • Lo-Fidelity Mini-Resurrection: Episode 38’s Review

    Lo-Fidelity Mini-Resurrection: Episode 38’s Review

    It’s July 4th, and that means a few things: grilling, beer, Will Smith fighting aliens, and Brad’s birthday. Our buddy kicked us a tweet the other day saying he was listening to an old Lo-Fidelity episode. Remember that? We do, too! We actually have two full episodes (sorta kinda) that we recorded back in 2010…

  • PSP Game Transfer and Error Message Woes

    PSP Game Transfer and Error Message Woes

    It seems I don’t exactly have the best luck with video game hardware lately. My 360’s USB ports seem to be on the fritz, my Wii has graphical glitches that seem to stem from WiiConnect24 (a story which I somehow missed back in 2007), and my PSP? Well, other than the one that just flat-out…

  • Some Extra Funny Images

    Some Extra Funny Images

    So late last month I wrote something called “The Great Canonical Debate” (it was pretty good; you should go read it). I wanted to include some type of moderately-snarky image of some type of god handing down a daizenshuu to go along with the section about how there is no officially-declared canon to the franchise,…

  • The Great Canonical Debate

    The Great Canonical Debate

    AUTHOR’S NOTE: This blog post was written in late 2011, about a year before Battle of Gods and about three years before Dragon Ball Super. It’s a little rough around the edges in terms of writing, but in particular I’m rather proud of how SPOT-ON PROPHETIC it is… not in terms of calling us getting…