Blog clean-up in progress. Looking for something to post. Guest podcast appearances! That’s a thing!
Back in March, I helped our buddy Chris/Kirbopher kick off a multi-episode series on his “Kirblog” show all about Dragon Ball. He specifically asked me to come on to talk about the “early days” of fandom, but we ended up talking about comparisons between the original Japanese version and FUNimation’s English dubs. To spoil the conversation: that’s basically what early fandom was for me.
At the end of April, I came back on “Kirblog” after Dragon Ball Super was announced to chat with him and our buddy Scott/KaiserNeko. I decided that I was going to interact with his fans/listeners in the comments. That was certainly an experience. My working theory is that Chris’ fans aren’t used to him being challenged on opinions or follow-up questions. They’re also not used to me in general. Or realize that we’re all actual friends.
Also in April, Dustin/Innagadadavida released an episode of his “Kind Soundwaves” podcast that he recorded a few weeks earlier with me. This is actually one of my favorite things I’ve ever recorded. It was completely cathartic for me. After chatting a bit about where Dragon Ball is heading these days, we talked about Kanzenshuu, running such a giant website, dealing with criticism on the Internet, and how people are pretty much awful. But they’re also awesome. Be sure to also check out the rest of Dustin’s episodes — there’s an RSS feed for proper MP3 downloading.
There ya’ go. More Mike listenings if you need ’em.
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