Lo-Fidelity Mini-Resurrection: Episode 38’s Review

It’s July 4th, and that means a few things: grilling, beer, Will Smith fighting aliens, and Brad’s birthday.

Our buddy kicked us a tweet the other day saying he was listening to an old Lo-Fidelity episode. Remember that? We do, too! We actually have two full episodes (sorta kinda) that we recorded back in 2010 and 2011 that never saw the light of the day… until now. Well, again, sorta. I had edited together the review from episode 38, and we always intended to toss it out in some fashion, but just never got around to doing so.

So, with it being Brad’s birthday, and with The Early November‘s new album (In Currents) dropping next week, it made sense to finally toss up this review of the I Can Make A Mess Like Nobody’s Business album from back in March 2010, The World We Know.


(I haven’t really touched this file since 2010. Hopefully it sounds OK and is actually edited. The file name says it is. I’ll trust myself on this one.)

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