I promised this way back on episode two of the podcast, and haven’t gotten around to tossing it together until today. I have finally put up my “Top 10 PS2 Games I Own And Have Never Played” over in the Top 10 Games section. I was thinking about also doing a similar list for the DS soon, too (though it might be a Top 5). How about you all? Got any large collections with stuff you haven’t touched?
I’ve never played any of those game as well but i played Dark Cloud on the demo disk that came with the PS2 and i enjoyed playing it. I’ve never really liked RPGs but the Pokemon series and Mario & Luigi games will always have a place in my heart. I’ve forced myself to try and play through Final Fantasy and Chrono Trigger but just give up in the end due to game moving to slowly and then start playing Metal Gear Solid 4 to make myself feel happy again. I recommend you give the MGS series a chance.
Plus, when is the new podcast episode coming out
I couldn’t even make a list like this for myself because…well, I still don’t even have a PS2 (I’m a bad person, I know). I really have no excuse since my local shop has had a used one for just 30 bucks for quite some time now. The urge to play Shadow of the Colossus (among many many other games of course) is really driving me toward finally picking one up though.
As far as my untouched PS2 collection:
Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition
Jak 3
Klonoa 2
Killer 7
Project Snowblind
Viewtiful Joe 2
I’ll get around to them eventually. I’ve been thinking of starting a podcast to record my progress, but I lack the resources.
Regarding Devil May Cry and Metal Gear Solid: If difficulty is turning you off, play Devil May Cry 2 first as it’s pathetically easy and definitely the worst, plus it has no bearing on the DMC “canon” (for what story is there lol). If you like it and think it could be better you should move on to the others. With MGS, since you don’t have the patience to play them yourself, they make for great movies! All the cutscenes should be on youtube. Or you could get Bryce to play them and have a group of friends watch like your recent Portal playthrough!
Wow, you really haven’t played Dark Cloud?!
Dark Cloud is really fun but involved game. I enjoyed it very much, as I also picked it up for $5. I’d say if you ever finish the first game, go ahead and grab the second for like $10 max.
Other than Final Fantasy X-2 and Persona 3 (shame really), I’ve played all of those games you listed, most of them to completion as well. I was kind of surprised given that I’m not the biggest fan of the PS2 library. 😐