Just a typical first post.

I decided to set up an actual blog for me… “me” being VegettoEX. Hi. Nice to meet you. Actually, though… if you’re reading this, chances are you know who “VegettoEX” is.

This won’t be for trivial nonsense posts (you can follow the Twitter for that). I have a bunch of semi-professional but non-corporate writings I would like to do, and they just don’t really fit in anywhere else. I wanted to set up vegettoex.com as a central place to list the majority of things I’ve been involved with, and this seemed like as good a place as any to set up such a blog. I have plenty of other places I hang out online with friends and write various things, but it seems like if I’m going to be online in some position of notoriety for over ten years, I should at least have a standard blog with my alias attached to it.

This will probably stay looking like a pretty standard WordPress install for at least the foreseeable future. Since my day-job consists mostly of design/re-design/content-management work on these here tubes, it takes a lot of dedication and non-existent free-time to want to do it for personal things…! Perhaps that’s just a series of excuses to justify it for myself, but I feel it’s at least partially true.

So anyway, it’s good to have you here. Read along, subscribe, post some comments; the things I’ll be expunging from my head and writing down will be meant to be and intended as conversations. I’m very big on “conversations”. You can probably tell from the podcast I’ve already been doing for nearly three years, as well as the upcoming one with the word itself in the title (wowzers, sneak-peak of a broken website…!).

Later, all.  You know where to find me.

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