Month: December 2008

  • Five Re-Recorded Songs

    It is always interesting when a band re-records a song. Whether it is for some type of anniversary release, stepping up to a major record label, or some other situation where it is necessary or warranted, fans of the original recording will inevitably have some type of feeling about the new version of the song.…

  • iPhone Hilarity

    Here’s an IM session I was having with Julian a couple weeks ago on my iPhone. It was so hilarious, I had to take a snap-shot of it. Wonder how that happened…?

  • What Do You Want To Hear About?

    I realize I have not posted anything up here in a while (though I did recently make a post over on vgconvos). I suppose it could just be the time of year (we are all so busy!), or perhaps the sinus infection and meds that give me loopy, incoherent thoughts that do not translate well…

  • The Old “Games Never Made Anyone Cry” Situation

    We have all seen various blog posts and comments about this (usually tying in to uneducated nonsense spewed by the otherwise-well-educated Roger Ebert) whole dilemma: can video games make you cry? Of course, the real question is do they need to make anyone cry? Would that be the gauge of cultural relevance and a move…

  • Rock Band Drum Casualty

    Technically it’s not my first Rock Band casualty, since the whammy-bar on my guitar is busted… but that’s not really essential for gameplay. Last night I was playing some good ol’ Foo Fighters songs on drums, and it was going great. Switched over to play Fall Out Boy, and BOOM… suddenly failing where I otherwise…

  • General Thoughts and Updates

    So apparently the Master System version of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 is available on Virtual Console today.  As you may know, the Genesis/MegaDrive version is one of my favorite games of all time. If I understand correctly, the Master System “port” is a similar game, and has different level designs (but is still overall Sonic…

  • Problem Solved: Firefox Bookmarks Toolbar Not Showing

    I guess I can start up a new category for the blog, now that I have two entries with similar subject matter. I had previously posted about a Photoshop crashing issue I was experiencing and how I corrected it. I figure other people will be having the same issues, and since I find the vast…

  • Grammatical Insanity

    If there is anything that drives me nuts more than basic grammatical errors in so-called “professional” publications (whether they be “in real life” or online), I have not yet discovered what this additional insanity-maker could be. A little part of me dies on the inside (in addition to the part that wants to get up…